Now in one of my English courses I was taught that one needs to understand 95% of the words in a text in order to understand the text. In other words, learners of English as a foreign language can't really just "wing it" with weak vocabulary. That said, I can anecdotally attest to the fact that my understanding of Hebrew probably hovers around the 75% mark and, before the "say it again, slowly" request is honored, I get the gist of whatever's being said but miss any subtle nuance and all deeper meaning. And yet, check out Bob Marley! Nearly a quarter of his song is made up of official nonsense words and yet (going out on a limb here), EVERYONE understands No Woman, No Cry. I seh. Yeah!
I had intended to paste those timeless lyrics into Wordle or Tagxedo - cool sites which offer to draw the most used words of the song into a fun picture or word cloud for you - but got discouraged by the need to download a whole new browser to make it happen. I will imagine the word cloud would have looked like this:
'causefriendscrywomanEverything's gonna be all right, yeah!
And I solemnly affirm, with my 54 anonymous and non-committed viewers as witness, that when the time comes to actually create a word cloud, I will, in fact, download the appropriate browser.
I also had the great fortune of learning a new word, now that I am signed up to receive a word a day from WordSmith. I actually receive a word a day in Hebrew from Ulpan La-Inyan and it serves as a great source of self confidence as, 9 days out of 10, I already know the word. Imagine my shock when the very first word I saw on WordSmith was an actual new word I never knew. I've been speaking English for a long time so I assumed this word must have recently been added to the dictionary. Except that its first recorded usage was in 1620. Hmmmm.
Turns out my favorite scene from Braveheart was a defenestration and all this time I was just referring to it as 'that scene when the King threw Prince Longshanks' partner out the window'. And would you look at Google - understanding that Guy Thrown Out Of Window = Defenestration. Impressive.
Just for fun I searched "Everything's gonna be all right" in the Corpus of Contemporary American English.
7 hits and not one of them Bob Marley. Hmm....
7 hits and not one of them Bob Marley. Hmm....