Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Why isn't anyone Google-searching WEEK SIX OF MY AWESOME ON-LINE CLASS?

Football and babies - I guess we know what's on everyone's mind!

So this week we've had some great fun interacting on a VOICE THREAD. Who knew? Someone just throws out a topic and then everyone can discuss - either by text (my preference, of course) or voice message (I actually also prefer when the other participants use voice - go figure), video (this totally creeps me out - nobody ever gets the lighting right) and maybe possibly there is an option to create a painting in response to the topic - interpretive art?  I admit, I didn't get this far. For entertainment purposes, it's not an improvement on SNL's perfection:

But for an off-site classroom discussion, I'd say it's downright genius.

The next stop on our On-Line Train of Fun Tools for Teaching was this great interactive spelling match with a Sponge Bob Square Pants kind of feel to it. I played for a while and considered waking up my kids so they could remind me of the Sponge Bob lyrics since the tune is now STUCK IN MY HEAD.

This FunBrain.com spell check game was also great.

The format actually reminded me of a great app called Kahoot! where the whole class can play a quiz game interactively. (hat tip to the English Dep't)

Even though I ranted about kids having cell phones in the classroom on the Voice Thread - my rant was not conclusively for nor against, but it was, indeed, a rant - IF kids had smart phones in the class, they could play a version of this spelling quiz interactively using Kahoot! Something to ponder.

Okay it's late. I got a little sidetracked making comics. This would be fun to have students do.
Here's mine:

And just when I thought I had not an ounce of creative energy left, I went and wrote this bestselling award winning original horror story (with the help of a story-maker)............

Imagine Said Story Inserted *HERE*

Alas, technology has failed me. My blogger page seems to have a picture limit. Stay tuned for my next post to read my latest thriller.