Saturday, January 14, 2017

Week Ten

As the semester starts to wind down, I find myself wondering just how I will best integrate technology into my future classroom. Thinking back on some of the classes I've taught in the past, I'd say self-grading on-line quizzes to prepare for vocabulary tests would probably be well received. As would many of the great and creative tools we've covered so far.

Of course anything that gets the kids listening to English, reading in English, and writing in English would be great for fluency. Perhaps an English TV series with subtitles (like how they showed us "Srugim" with Hebrew subtitles in my Ulpan)... I'm thinking Brady Bunch with follow up questions about the moral dilemmas faced by kids in the 1970s.

Speaking of the previous century...

I searched my name on Google Scholar to make myself feel good - more than 30 citations of some riveting economic research I was privileged to be part of!

Back to the current day and age, inspired by the United Nations lack of understanding about the Middle East, and Israel in particular, I used the "Simple English Wikipedia" tool to see if maybe a search about Israel could help them. In fact, I think it could help them. A lot.

Until next time....

(Go on, click on it)

But wait... there's more. Raised in Israel, on Brady Bunch episodes and lots of Google Searches, my very own English speaking daughter has helped me with one more fun tech tool.... Prezi.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Mrs. Lisa

    ''Simple English Wikipedia'' is great and so does Prezi.
    I remember the first time I saw a Prezi presentation and it was so awesome.
    If you want kids to watch animated tv series in English then I recommend the website
